Monday, October 08, 2007

How MrG Spent His Summer - September

September started off with a bit of car trouble. On the 3rd, one car decided that it simply could not run if MrG was not constantly pressing the gas. This makes stop and go traffic -- Chicago traffic -- nearly impossible to navigate. Two days later MrG drove it to the shop and it became apparent that the car changed its mind. This was fortunate as the service adviser at the shop said, “we don’t work on that model, they’re not well made, get rid of it, it’s a money pit.”

It’s currently running fine, but a likely candidate for a trade in for something smaller and better for city driving.

On the 4th, the other car managed to open some kind of hole in its exhaust system, making it sound like some kind of motorboat. This is appropriate seeing as how the car is really a land yacht.

In late September, MrG and PoMonkey went on a work-related road trip (in a rental car) to Louisville, KY. MrG had only passed through Louisville once before, but it’s not a bad place to go to a convention. Lots of hotel space near the convention center, and lots of off-site food and entertainment options.

MrG spent most of his September free time on a writing project. No, not this blog.

You've quite likely already heard the other big news from September.


bobby said...

This was dangerously close to a spleen venting, till that part about the dog.

Bryan C. McWhite said...

I gotta agree with you there - I really dug the Kentucky International Convention Center. There's tons of good food on that strip just down the street, and if you stay across the river in Jeffersonville, it's ridiculously cheap.