Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Mr. Brooks -- B

And now back to our regularly scheduled topic . . .

I'm tempted to give Mr. Brooks an A based solely on the fact that a late third-act surprise made PoMonkey scream out loud.

Otherwise we both enjoyed it. Sure, Costner is in some scenes a good bit beyond his acting abilities, and a few of the plot points are quite improbable. But I couldn't figure out how it was going to end. Would he get caught? Would he get away? What?

It also didn't hurt that it was filmed in the town where I lived for 22 years, and it was fun figuring out where the various locations are.

I can't say I highly recommend it because it is a bit violent (and PoMonkey couldn't sleep after watching it). He is a serial killer, after all.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I liked it. Very suspenseful.

M Griffin said...

I think I know what scene she screamed out loud at, I did to.

Anonymous said...

i had a feeling Costner would make some kind of a comeback; plus it's interesting how Dane Cook went from stand up comedian to starring in a ton of major movies