Thursday, December 13, 2007

Obedience School, Weeks 6 and 7

Well, I’ve gotten a bit behind on Obedience School updates, so I’ll combine the updates for weeks 6 and 7

Week 6 is trick week! We learned (how to learn) three tricks: Three Card Monte, Shake, and Rollover.

Three Card Monte is simply a variation on leave it/take it. Once the dog has learned not to immediately take a treat that’s in front of her or him, the human unit first places a treat on the floor in front of the dog, then adds more treats. Ideally, the dog takes whatever treat you point at.

The Eliminator does OK at Three Card Monte, particularly if I quickly gather the treats she’s not supposed to take.

Shake works on the theory that most dogs will bat at a treat that is held in front of them. When the paw comes up, the human unit grabs it, shakes it, and shovels the treat into the dog. Most of the class participants confirmed the theory. The Eliminator, however, does not. She just sits there looking at me. I'm guessing that one day she'll just start doing it, so practice, practice, practice.

To make a dog rollover, you first have them lay, then entice them to roll in the direction they’re leaning (as dogs generally lay with one back leg more under their body and the other leg to one side). By holding a treat just under the dog's nose and moving it so that they have to turn their head and, well, rollover to get the treat, they’ll eventually roll.

All of the dogs seemed pretty equally matched (inept) on this one, except for Roxie the tiny Shitzu, whose human unit had worked with her on it previously.

Week 7 was simply a review of each of the things we’ve learned in preparation for, as the handout has it, FINAL EXAM!!!!

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