Sunday, April 15, 2007

Where Has Mister Ginger Been?

As you may know, Mister Ginger has changed jobs. Finishing the old job and getting started on the new one has taken more time and energy than Mister Ginger anticipated, and has kept him from watching many movies and from blogging about even the few he’s seen. The good news is that the new job is going very well and it involves two hours every day on public transportation in one of America’s largest cities. The latter aspect will yield some real entertainment for you, dear reader.

For example, in just two weeks of riding the train, Mister Ginger has seen a guy sleeping on a desk in the middle of the downtown transit center (advertising), Mary Katherine Gallagher, and a guy riding the train, facing backwards, drinking a 24 oz PBR.

I hope soon to be back watching films, rating them, and occasionally venting my spleen about stuff.


Bryan C. McWhite said...

So, where did you see Mary Katherine Gallagher exactly?

Looking forward to the movie reviews.

Your mom

Taran said...

I greatly anticipate more train stories. You've been missed.