Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Babel – F

Maybe I missed something, but I thought it was almost completely without merit. The confusion of languages serves to divide us and makes life difficult. Title: Babel. Subtle.

In the end, the viewer is left empty, wondering, is that it? That said, Brad Pitt does a very good job with his role. The music was minimal, and I think that it served the film well. By far the most redeeming character in the film was the guide from the bus. He takes Pitt and Blanchett to his village, works hard to get them the care that they need, stays with them until the ambulance arrives, and then refuses any compensation whatsoever. Otherwise, a real disappointment. Makes the contrivance that is Crash look good (at least it had a point).

1 comment:

M Griffin said...

Wow Mr. Ginger, an "F"! I haven't seen it but now I want to see it to know what the "F" is about.